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Light and Darkness

 Project Light and Darkness

Most of the students have been working on this project for a month.

Different teachers  have worked on it in different ways with their students  because the general topic was  related to «Light-based technologies».

The students final tasks are listed below.

2º E.S.O  Climate Change, Lights and Shadows 
Teacher :  Antonio Marchal de la Torre
Teaching unit used to carry out the project:     Project Climate Change
Final students task shown in the link given below:  sites.google.com/site/antoniomarchaliesprojects/students-final-work


3º E.S.O What will happen to the Earth?
Teacher: Laura Pérez Fernández
Teaching unit used to carry out the project Project What will happen to the Earth?
Document about different phases of the projects What will happen to the Earth?
Survey document “What will happen to the Earth?”
Final students task  by  group         3º A

Light and Darkness (Group 1)

Light and Darkness (Group 2)

Light and Darkness (Group 3)

Light and Darkness (Group 4)

Light and Darkness (Group 5)

Light and Darkness (Group 6)

Light and Darkness (Group 7)

Final students task  by  group           3º B

Light and Darkness (Group 1)

Light and Darkness (Group 2)         

 Light and Darkness (Group 3) 

Light and Darkness (Group 4)

Light and Darkness (Group 5)  

 Light and Darkness (Group 6)

Light and Darkness (Group 7)

4º E.S.O Light my fire
Teacher: Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio
Teaching unit used to carry out the project  Project Light my fire
Final students task shown in the ppt attached Water                                                                                                    Darkness                                                                                   Metal


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