Algunos alumnos de 4º de E.S.O, 1º y 2º de Bachillerato y Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior se preparan para obtener la acreditación de los niveles A2 y B1 de la…
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Un año más, nuestro centro ha participado en el XXI Concurso de Traducción José Ramón Gargallo, organizado por el I.E.S. San Isidoro de Cartagena. Hoy nuestro centro ha estado representado por las…
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Alan Kennedy was back again in our school in October. The students of 1º and 2º of ESO performed a play and the title of the play was «The rescue…
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Project Light and Darkness Most of the students have been working on this project for a month. Different teachers have worked on it in different ways with their students because the general topic…
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Jose Ramón Gargallo Award Translation and Writing It took place last Thursday 26 February. Four students of 1st and 2nd of Bachillerato were chosen to participate in this regional activity organised by…
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