Trying an English breakfast
- Escrito por isabel.caballero2
- Publicado en Noticias, Sele
- Permalink

The Department of English at IES DOS MARES has recently resumed its well-known activity «English Breakfast».
Traditionally, this activity has been organized for 1st ESO students, but after two years of not being able to organize activities outside the school, we decided to extend this year’s little outing to 2º and 3º ESO. We can proudly say that it’s being a success, our students are practising their «make an order» skills, they are learning a bit more about culture in the UK, trying new foods, and making the most of this time out with their teachers and classmates.
The traditional English breakfast -also called a ‘fry-up’-, consists of fried eggs, sausages, bacon, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, hashbrowns (made of potatoes) and often a slice of black pudding (similar to «morcillas»). It is often accompanied by tea or coffee and hot, buttered toast.
Be careful: A FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST CONTAINS TOO MUCH FAT AND TOO MANY PROTEINS FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET STANDARDS. It’s acceptable if you have it once in a blue moon but far from being a healthy option.
A healthy breakfast should include:
Dairy products such as semiskimmed milk or yogurt,
Carbohidrates, a slice of brown bread or around 35gr of not too sugary cereals-
A piece of fruit or a little glass of juice
Some not too fatty proteine such as ham, jamón serrano or turkey slices.
And some olive oil.
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