Hilary and Mike visit Murcia.
- Escrito por isabel.caballero2
- Publicado en Inglés, Sele
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Hilary (Indiana) y Mike (Meryland) son dos jóvenes graduados americanos, valientes y emprendedores que han venido a San Pedro a trabajar mano a mano con los profesores de inglés y ANL, a ayudarnos a todos a mejorar nuestras listening and speaking skills, a promover su cultura y, por supuesto, a aprender de la nuestra. El jueves pasado (17/12) fuimos de excursión a Murcia, recordaré este día como una experiencia genial, son encantadores y muy divertidos. Tenemos mucha suerte de tenerlos con nosotros.
Así es como ellos vivieron esta experiencia:
«Visiting Murcia with Isabel and Mike was such a pleasant way to spend the afternoon. Ever since moving to Murcia this past summer, I have wanted to explore the capital more, and Isabel did a wonderful job showing us around town and sharing information about the city. I really enjoyed eating at El Ventorrillo, where I tried zarangollo, escalibada, and a café de olla from Murcia for the first time. Everything was delicious! I love drinking coffee, and I will definitely have another café de olla in the future. I also loved seeing all the trees brimming with oranges that surround the restaurant. After we ate, my favorite part of the evening was walking along the river Segura and seeing all the Christmas lights, wreaths, and decorations scattered throughout town. The narrow alleyways filled with shops glistened beneath the beautiful lanterns, and the Gran Vía glowed. Going into the older part of the university and seeing the architecture of the arches and courtyard was also a highlight of the evening. In general, I had a wonderful time, and I am so excited and thankful to be in Murcia this year working at Dos Mares.»
Hilary Degenhardt
« I was very delighted to finally tour the city of Murcia with friends. The walk along the Segura River was a great, relaxing introduction to the city. At night, it was a beautiful sight to see the bridges lit up with the red and green Christmas colors. One of my favorite things to do is eat and try particular foods from different regions of Spain. We ate at a nice small restaurant that served food typical of Murcia and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Our lunch was enough for two meals and I have to say my favorite dishes were zarangollo, escalibada, and paparajotes. In terms of sites and monuments, I really enjoyed the Cathedral. My family is very catholic and I always enjoy the architecture and history of churches and cathedrals across Europe. It was quite breathtaking and the peacefulness inside these European Cathedrals is something that is different than ones in the United States. Sometimes not being home with family for Christmas can be tough, but seeing the Christmas markets in Alfonso X and the lights in La Rotonda makes you feel perfectly at home. Murcia is definitely a city I enjoyed visiting and was good start to the Christmas season.»
Mike Montibeller