Chelete Monereo
- Escrito por josefco.pastor
- Publicado en Rusia 2019
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Full name of the artist: Chelete Monereo.
DOB: Do not want to reveal her age .
Place of birth: She was born in Madrid.
Residence:She live in Murcia.
His/Her early life:Up to 12 years old he did not go to school; He lived and studied at his family’s farm in Aranda de Duero. In Madrid he completed his baccalaureate and studied Fine Arts at the San Fernando School in Madrid.
His/her adult life:She is married with other artists and wrote novels.
When did he start painting?She started with 16 years old.
How long has he/she been a painter? Since she was 16.
What type of artworks does he/she create? She create paintings and novels .
What is his/her artistic technique?She technique is triptych.
What other artworks does he/she make?She do “Pintura del Vino” too.Has he/she ever exhibited in a museum?Yes,in Museo de Bellas Artes de Murcia .
External analysis:
Title: The name of the artwork is peres y tela de araña.
Artist: The artist is Chelete Monereo.
Location: In Museo Hidráulico in Murcia.
Type of artwork: The type is a painting abstract
Made of: With paints
This painting has varied shapes and its colors are contrast between if your texture also has a lot of relief.
Internal analysis:
Subject: Personal opinion:In my opinion this painting is quite insipid but the colours are peaceful and i really like it.
The museum
NAME:molinos del río segura
o Date of construction:1785
o Ordered by: Juan Navarro Baldeweg
o Open to the public: 1989
o Opening hours: they opening at 10 o’clock everydays and in the afternoon at 5 o’clock
o Closing times: they close at 2 o’clock and at the afternoon at 8 o’clock
TICKETS (Prices): the enter is free
o Permanent: hydraulic exposure
o Temporary:
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